Thursday, March 17, 2011


   I have had the misfortune for the last few days to have a migraine from hell as we call them here in the Fitzgerald house.  That means the windows in my bedroom have been blocked from all sunlight, the temperature in the house has been dropped down dramatically, I’m in my pajamas all drugged up and my husband has put his foot down and put me on lock down in our bedroom.  I’m too sick to fight him at this point so I settle in and try to sleep. 
There is only one problem, someone forgot to tell my muse he’s not supposed to breath my way much less talk to me.  He starts off quiet,… you know a quick whisper as to what he thinks he should be doing today.  When I refuse to give him my attention, he gets a little louder with his ‘request’.  I promise him if he will just give me an hour of sleep and when the roaring in my head stops, I’ll listen to him for as long as he wants.  I listen for some kind of response –nothing. AHH… I think I have managed to appease him.  NOT!
Next, I hear the sound of moving furniture in my brain as he is talking to me all at the same time.  I get up to grab a tablet and a pen.  My husband gives me that ‘what are you doing up’ look as I pass through the living room.  I shake my head as if to say don’t ask and head back to bed.
I write down the idea my muse has and think I have satisfied him, only to hear him whisper again a few minutes later. This is also about the time my husband -the warden- is doing his rounds and I’m caught writing on the tablet I got earlier.  He wants to know what I am doing awake and I sheepishly look at him and say, “honey it’s not my fault it’s the other man in my life that’s keeping me awake.”
 He doesn’t say another word as he closes the door to my cell quietly.  I think he remains silent because he knows he can only control my environment when I have a migraine, but when it comes to a muse on a mission it’s best to bow out gracefully and leave it to me no matter how bad my migraine is, because it’s better than having to deal with me once I’m well and my muse has gone into hiding thanks to my well meaning husband!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Okay, all you writer’s out there, please tell me if some of you can relate to this therapy session.
 I sit down at my keyboard. I have my current chapter along with all of its notes in front of me.  I pull up u-tube, because I am the type of writer that has to find the music that supports what I’m getting ready to write about.  A few minutes later, I put my ear buds in and turn up the volume.  I’m happy nothing can steer me off course; right? 
            My fingers are flying across the keys with the rhythm of the music and I can see my characters and their surroundings unfolding with each word I type-all the while thinking life of a writer is awesome.  I flip my notes and my typing speeds up as I reach the climax in the chapter which will unveil a tidbit of information the readers have been turning the pages to discover and that’s when it happens.  My carefully prepared notes no longer matter.  It’s the events that are now playing out in my head that become the chapter.
            I’m surprised and at that point and I almost stop typing and delete everything I have on the paper because it’s all wrong, it doesn’t fit-it’s not in the plan of my notes.   As I sit back and read what I have, I’ve already set myself up to be unhappy with the words because this is not what I had planned from the beginning.  I read through what I have written once, then a second time and I am blown away by the words that meant nothing to me a few minutes ago, but now have become part of my WIP-my notes pushed aside.  Although I never intended to make the twists and turns that I was surprised with while writing, I am glad that I do not limit myself or my imagination by following my pre-laid plan.
            I have learned that sometimes you have to put the notes that you’ve labored over for weeks away and just let the words come to you in the moment when you sit down to put it on paper, because its times like these you capture the magic of what writing is all about. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Welcome to our first novice writer interview!!!! Today I have composed a few questions for writer Donna Fitzgerald to answer for us so that we can get to know a little about her and her style.

So let’s get this party started!!!

1) If you could write a blurb starring you, how would it read?

A. Donna Fitzgerald may look like the five foot petite blonde Southern Belle but sometimes looks can be deceiving! With a tongue that can cut you to shreds one minute and make you forget she ever insulted you the next. It will be so quick you’ll wonder if it were an insult or if she just handed you a compliment!

If you don’t want her honest opinion then for heaven’s sake don’t ask! Despite the fiery temper that can be ignited if she is wronged, her unconditional love and gentleness will almost always give you the benefit of the doubt.

She strives to give it her all no matter the situation, whether it’s loving, writing or just living life. Once her mind is made up she will take the journey to accomplish whatever she set out to do!

2) What three words would you use to describe your writers’ voice?

A. Wit, Heart and Guts.

3) Tell us a little about your WIP. What kind of word count are you aiming for?

A. Word count to me is just a number. To me it’s over when all the twists and turns have been wrapped up to form that bow of Happily Ever After.

4) Can you tell us what genre you write? How did you choose that genre or did it choose you?

A. I knew Talina would try and get me on this one! As of right now it’s still up for debate in almost every chat we have! And just to give you the honest truth, the genre definitely chose me.

5) What does your day normally look like? How do you fit in writing with everything else you have to do?

A. I get up and take Jacob to school around 7:30 a.m, Come home and straighten the house, and start up the computer. I write off and on until bedtime taking time out for cooking dinner, laundry picking up Jacob and family time until I fall into bed and get ready to do it all again!

6) IS there anything that you have found out about your writing process that you would like to share with us today?

A. For me it’s listening to your heart. Don’t worry when you sit down to write and the chapter takes a turn that you didn’t see coming. That to me is when the magic happens. Sometimes music can be your best inspiration. And lastly writing is not easy but if you truly love your story enough that you cry and laugh in all the right places at the end of the day you’ve done what you set out to do and that’s makes someone feel good even if at this early point in your writing its yourself. At the end of your manuscript being happy with the story you tell is what’s makes the journey worthwhile.
Layout By AeroAngel