Monday, February 21, 2011


Welcome everyone!  Before you exit out thinking your browser has taken you to the wrong site, trust me you are in the right place if you're looking for the new exciting version of the Paranormal.  I know we're a little off the beaten path but do not let the rolling fog and the cold marble walls deter you from the exciting things within this blog.  So push the creaking iron gates aside and enter.  You will not be disappointed.

I created The Glass Coffin to take you with me on the journey into the lives of the awesome characters my imagination has created.  Their world is unlike anything you've experienced.  In it you will find eternity holds the kind of love that can withstand the test of time, suspense that will leave you looking over your shoulder at the shadows that creep past you, and mystery that will leave you guessing until the very end.  A new kind of Paranormal world awaits here, one that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

I encourage you to visit often as the lives of my charaters unfold and come to life in this blog as I complete my WIP.  I also hope that in the future many guest authors will stop by and share their Paranormal writing experiences with us. 

And finally if this site has intrigued you enough to ask yourself, "Where is the glass coffin this blog was named for?", reach deep down in the darkest part of your imagination to the place that has you standing in the middle of a cemetery on a foggy moonless night pondering this question........ or perhaps you've just realized the texture you feel brushing against your fingertips is that of thousand year old french silk........if so, you have found it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is a test

It's looking better all the time. Let me know what you think
Layout By AeroAngel